My Story
Yes- I am still traveling, still adventuring, still discovering. I love every part of all of that- but, most of all, I love meeting you and helping you to be beautiful and to live your “best self”.
Join me on this adventure. Read our social media posts. Wear the jewelry. Be an ambassador of the jewelry. Share the experience of Resa Royale with others.
This, for me, is freedom of expression in art and in fashion. I love having you there with me. Thank you for being the uniquely wonderful person you are.
Post Script:
I have not been to all the countries that we feature. Sometimes I learn about the designer and reach out to them. I learn from them. Resa Royale provides a note with every piece of jewelry purchased, to describe the metal, gemstones, artist and/or country. The jewelry is wrapped beautifully with care instructions provided.

Catherine and her dog, Skye.